Prayerful Space on Election Day

In 2020, I set up an altar on Election Day. I attended and visited that altar throughout the day, and I repeated the Druid's Prayer for Peace many, many times.  In 2016, I wrote an elemental prayer the morning after and shared it at the seminary’s staff meeting later that day. That prayer I later altered for everyday use and it has become a part of what I use when opening any spiritually focused space.

As we are now but days away from the 2024 election, I will readily admit my sense of anxiety has increased. Even as I make the conscious choice to ignore most of the election news and all of the polls. Even as I have much hope for the outcome that I feel strongly will not only serve the entire country best, but the outcome that will keep me, my family, and my friends safe.

There will be many people of many faiths praying for whatever their desired outcome next Tuesday. I will be one of them, and I want to invite you to join at my altar and pray with me for peace. To pray for comfort. To pray for confidence. To pray for resilience. To pray in whatever way you need, to whomever you need, for whatever you need. 

To help facilitate that prayerful space, I will be holding a series of short calls on Tuesday where I will offer prayer and contemplative, compassionate space. Not for debate or discussion, just holding space for one another through a day of uncertainty. 

Each will be only about 30 minutes and follow a similar format that will include periods of silence, readings or prayers, and an invitation to share a word that you will be carrying with you through the day/evening/until the next call. 

If you would like to join me for one or more of the calls through the day, they will start at the following times:

7:00 a.m. ET
11:00 a.m. ET
3:00 p.m. ET
7:00 p m  ET
9:00 p.m. ET

Use the link below to join the space. Join one, two, all, whatever you may need.

I hope to see you there, and if you cannot or do not want to make any of the calls, then I encourage you to build an altar, to pray, or to spend time in silent reflection as much as you need on Tuesday. 


Merry Nofucksgiving!


Envisioning a Great Good